Monday, August 30, 2010

Acoustics Part One

Well, hello!

DUCK here with most excellent news!  All of the 6 string acoustic guitar parts have been recorded!  I recorded far more than I will probably need, but that's entirely the point.  This way I can always take away, which is much easier than having to deal without.  The process went smooth as can be, minus my guitar strings going rather dull about third-of-the-way through.  A new set happened to be in the case, that I bought probably 5 or 6 years ago, and decided to use them.  They were bright and shimmering for about 4 songs and then just went dull.  Nothing a little extra EQ can't fix, which is why I saved the time and money of going to get more strings, since money is a little tight right now.

Here is a video that I made showcasing the progress and pre-production sound of the 6 string acoustics.  Pre-production meaning that there isn't any mixing or effects on the guitars.  When you hear them on the album, you'll immediately notice how different they'll sound.  Better, naturally.

Tonight I'm going to get my 12 string acoustic ready with new strings and proper tuning.  Tomorrow and Wednesday will be spent entirely on recording the 12 string acoustic parts, so stay tuned!



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